Eye colors vary depending on genetic diversity and melanin levels. While most people have brown, blue or green eye colors, there are some eye colors that are rarer in the world. In this article, we will examine the rarest eye colors in the world, their genetic origins and cultural meanings.
1. Amber Eye Color
Amber eye color is a combination of yellow and copper tones. This eye color is quite rare and is usually seen in South America and Asia. Amber eye color occurs in people who have high levels of lipochrome pigment. Lipochrome creates a yellowish glow in the eyes, which distinguishes amber eye color from other colors.
- Genetic Origin: Amber eye color occurs as a combination of recessive genes and therefore both parents must carry these genes.
- Cultural Meaning: Amber eyes are sometimes considered exotic and mystical. It is frequently used, especially in fantasy literature and cinema, to add a mystical atmosphere to characters.
2. Gray Eye Color
Gray eye color is one of the rarest eye colors. This color occurs when melanin levels are very low and is generally more common in Northern Europe. Gray eye color occurs as a result of light reflecting from different layers in the iris of the eye.
- Genetic Origin: Gray eye color is genetically close to blue eye color. However, the distribution and reflection of light creates a gray tone.
- Cultural Meaning: Gray eyes often give a cold and distant impression. Throughout history, people with gray eyes have been considered symbols of wisdom and mystery.
3. Violet (Purple) Eye Color
Purple or violet eye color is extremely rare and usually seen in albino people. This eye color occurs when there is no melanin in the iris, and it gives a purple color appearance as a result of the reflection of light from the vascular structure inside the eye.
- Genetic Origin: Purple eye color is associated with albinism. In albino individuals, melanin production stops completely, resulting in unique color tones in the eyes.
- Cultural Meaning: Purple eyes have been considered mystical and sacred throughout history. Especially in ancient civilizations, it was believed that people with purple eyes could communicate with gods.
4. Red and Pink Eye Colors
Red and pink eye colors are among the rarest eye colors and are associated with albinism. These colors appear due to the lack of melanin in the iris and the visibility of blood vessels within the eye.
- Genetic Origin: Albinism is carried by recessive genes and therefore can be seen in the children of two carrier parents.
- Cultural Meaning: Red eyes are often associated with demonic or supernatural beings in horror and fantasy stories. However, because pink eyes are less common, they are often considered a medical condition.
5. Heterochromia
Heterochromia is a condition when a person has two different eye colors. This condition is usually congenital and can be hereditary, but it can also develop as a result of certain diseases or injuries.
- Genetic Origin: Heterochromia occurs as a result of genetic mutations or changes that occur during embryonic development.
- Cultural Meaning: Heterochromia provides a different and striking appearance. People with this trait are often considered unique and interesting. Celebrities with heterochromia in the world of cinema and fashion have attracted attention with this rare feature.
6. Green Eye Color
Green eyes are an eye color that is rare around the world but aesthetically appreciated in many cultures. Green eye color is caused by the combination of low levels of melanin and lipochrome pigment in the iris.
- Genetic Origin: Green eye color is carried genetically by recessive genes and therefore it is seen in only 2% of the world’s population.
- Cultural Meaning: Green eyes are often associated with beauty and attractiveness. Throughout history, green-eyed characters have been featured in many literary works and works of art.
7. Hazel Eye Color
Hazel eyes appear as a mixture of green and brown and appear to change color as light reflects from different angles. This eye color, although rare, is generally more common in Europe, the Middle East and South America.
- Genetic Origin: Hazel eye color results from the interaction of multiple genes. Melanin levels are moderate.
- Cultural Meaning: Hazel eyes arouse curiosity in people with their dynamic and variable structure. People with this eye color are often described as passionate and charismatic.
Rare eye colors seen around the world are wonderful examples of genetic diversity and evolution. Each eye color is more than just an aesthetic feature, it also carries cultural and historical meanings. Rare eye colors such as amber, grey, purple, red, pink, green and hazel reveal how diverse and surprising human genetics are. These rare eye colors will continue to attract people’s attention with the unique beauty and meaning they carry.